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进一步推动我们对卓越的承诺, esball世博技术部指导和发展, 与行政部门和教职员工合作, 学校在课堂和整个机构中使用技术的情况. Students are encouraged to develop their computer skills and their knowledge of how technology can enrich and affects their lives throughout their academic program of studies. 为了支持这一目标:
  • 所有学生都必须有一台iPad.
  • 学生可以使用学校网络和互联网.
  • 学生将有一个网络文件夹可以在线存储文件.
  • All faculty members, students and staff will be provided with a Fenwick e-mail address.
  • 每周简报以电子邮件方式发送给所有学生和家长.
  • Faculty, Students and those Parents who sign up for the Fenwick Emergency Notification System will receive an automated phone call with important information.
To enable parents and students to have a greater sense of a student’s academic progress, Fenwick uses a Learning Management System service (Schoology) which enables students and parents to interact with faculty members. 可以查看他们的作业、成绩和学术资源.

技术部从早上7点开始营业.m. to 4:00 p.m. 上学的时候. 我们的房间是253和255. 如果您对分威克的技术有任何疑问,请随时与我们联系.





  • 埃内斯托·涅托照片

    Ernesto Nieto 



  • 网络管理/ Maintinance
  • 台式机/笔记本电脑
  • Servers
  • 打印机/复印机
  • 访问点
  • 液晶投影仪
  • 钥匙卡访问
  • 教师/学生ID
  • VOIP电话系统
  • 安全摄像头


1:1学习提高学生的批判性思维和解决问题的能力, 同时也支持自主学习. This program will teach our students how to engage responsibly in a digital environment and strengthen their 21st 世纪技能,如理解技术的道德使用, 问责制, 社会责任和个人生产力. 它支持创造和创新, 沟通和信息技能, 以及全球意识和公民素养. Acquiring this knowledge and developing these skills will better position our students for their future college years and beyond.

Using iPads will allow us to replace some of the textbooks with iBooks and e-books, 减轻学生每天必须背的担子. 另外, 这将减少花在课本上的费用, 这可能会抵消高中四年iPad的成本. 学生将能够访问原始文件, videos and other curriculum materials at anytime from anywhere inside the school and outside, too, 这有助于随时随地的学习. iPad为学生和老师提供了一种互动的方式, 以学生为中心的学习环境.


Consider purchasing your iPad from the Fenwick Apple Store to receive Apple’s Educational discount. 这个商店可以在



  • Q. 哪些人需要购买iPad?

  • Q. 我可以带iPad以外的设备到学校吗?

    学生需要有一台iPad. Our program is tailored to using texts and applications that are most effective on iPads. 学生可以把笔记本电脑带到学校, however, 笔记本电脑和个人智能手机不允许使用esball世博的Wi-Fi网络.
  • Q. 我的学生应该购买哪款iPad?

    It is recommended that you purchase an 8th Generation iPad or later with a minimum of 256 GB of memory. 建议最低版本为v16版本. 我们还建议你的iPad有一个坚硬的外壳,以保护它免受损坏.
  • Q. iPad附带了什么配件? 需要什么额外的配件? 推荐什么??

    所有ipad都配有电源适配器和USB接口. 建议使用Apple Pencil或其他手写笔和/或键盘. 
  • Q. 我可以和兄弟姐妹共享我的iPad吗?

    No, the iPads will be required throughout the school day and sharing will significantly limit the effectiveness of the program. However, books and apps may be purchased on an iTunes account that shares content across devices.
  • Q. 如何将iPad连接到Fenwick Wi-Fi?

    The Tech department will need information from the Student iPads for Fenwick WiFi connectivity to be established. 6月份会发出一封电子邮件,说明如何提供这些信息.
  • Q. iPad将如何在课堂上使用?

    课堂使用将因学科而异. iPad取代了教室里的许多教科书, serving as a simulation platform for science classes and acting as a student's primary interface to email and web activity.
  • Q. 我的学生将如何学习如何使用iPad?

    新生迎新期间, 而学生们正在为他们的ipad设置Fenwick Wi-Fi, 将开设一门关于使用Fenwick认可的应用程序以及Schoology的课程.
  • Q. 如何在iPad上安装所需的应用程序和/或iBooks?

    应用程序可通过应用程序商店购买, 这是苹果环境的一部分吗. 学生们将获得一份必须在iPad上加载的应用程序列表. Fenwick将列出每个科目所需的应用程序列表,这些应用程序的价格会有所不同. 我们打算使用的许多应用程序都是免费的.g. 计算器. For information on electronic books, please see the information sent to you over the summer.
  • Q. 所有的书都是电子版的吗?

    No. 然而,Fenwick正在努力在所有领域转向电子书. This rollout will take several years and is dependent on teachers, availability of e-texts, etc.
  • Q. 学生们还会使用或能够使用精装教科书吗?

    如果学生喜欢的话,他们可以使用精装书. 然而,iPad在其他课堂活动中是需要的.g. 模拟,网络访问等.).
  • Q. 我的学生需要购买计算器吗?

    是的,数学和科学都需要计算器. Familiarity with a calculator is paramount to ACT/SAT performance and math and science testing, ACT/SAT考试不允许使用iPad.
  • Q. 我可以做些什么来防止我的iPad丢失/被盗/损坏?

    The iPad, like their cell phone, are expensive electronic items are should not be unattended. We recommend that you download the app "Find my iPhone" and install it on the iPad. 如果iPad丢失或被盗, 此应用程序允许将消息发送到设备, 警报响起, 还有一张地图,显示设备的位置. To prevent damage, students should be mindful of how they carry and store the device. 此外,建议学生选择一个案例.
  • Q. 如果iPad损坏、遗失或被盗,我该怎么办?

    如果你的iPad损坏了,苹果专卖店可以收费修理. If the iPad is lost or stolen, we can help track the device if it is in the school and it is on. 一旦设备离开学校,我们就没办法追踪了. Find My iPad是一款强烈推荐安装并打开的应用程序.
  • Q. 如果我的iPad需要维修或丢失了,在我得到一个新的iPad之前我能做什么?

    Fenwick provides loaner iPads at a cost of $35 for a maximum of three weeks for students that lose, 或者iPad被偷. 如果学生需要使用外借iPad, both parents and the student are to sign the loaner agreement found on the website.

    由于新冠肺炎疫情,我们的ipad外借数量有限.  遗憾的是,我们可能无法在您要求时提供iPad.
  • Q. 我可以直接从我的iPad打印到学校的打印机吗?

    从iPad打印到学校的复印机是可用的. Students should check their Fenwick email for instructions on printing from their iPad.
  • Q. 如果我的学生忘记给他们的iPad充电会发生什么?

    维护iPad和为iPad充电是学生的责任. Failure to come to school with a charged iPad may result in an inability to participate in classroom activities. 结果因班级而异.
  • Q. 有没有办法在学校给ipad充电?

    Students should be sure their iPads are fully charged each day when they come to school. However, there are electrical plugs in the entryway and throughout the school if needed.
  • Q. 学生能够在网络上备份信息吗? 他们的数据受保护吗??

    Students will not be able to back up their files to the Fenwick network from the iPad. There are several cloud storage apps which students may use to back up their documents, e.g. iCloud或谷歌Drive.
  • Q. 我的学生在多大程度上能够定制他/她的设备?

    因为ipad是个人财产, students can customize their desktop experience and application folder environment. It is suggested that students customize their device to suit both their home and school needs (i.e. 主题文件夹,个人使用页面等.).

2023 iPad设置

Students will be emailed directions on how to send us information from their iPads that will be added to our system before July 14th.  学生还将获得各种系统的学生登录信息, 以及完成所需的数字公民课程的信息.


如果你的iPad丢了, 被盗或损坏, 正在维修或购买新iPad, 你可以向技术办公室申请外借iPad. 请遵循以下步骤:

Obtain a 租借iPad应用程序 form from the 技术 Office or from the link below.

填写所有要求的信息. 学生和家长/监护人必须在表格上签字.

Bring the completed form to the 技术 Office along with $35 (check made payable to esball世博) for the use of a loaner iPad for a 最多三周.

当你收到新的或修好的iPad时, 尽快将借用的iPad归还技术办公室.

我们的外借ipad数量有限.  遗憾的是,我们可能无法在您要求时提供iPad.


符合条件的家庭可以填写一份租赁自有房屋表格.租赁拥有ipad数量有限. 表格必须在6月30日前提交至


Your iPad, like a mobile phone, is an expensive electronic item and should not be left unattended.

Be sure to purchase Insurance or be sure that it is covered on your homeowner's policy if lost or stolen. 学生不应该把iPad放在储物柜里.

It is important to note that Applecare+ is an extended warranty that covers only two instances of damage. 它不包括丢失或被盗的ipad.
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